New Final Terms submission form
Since 30 November 2020, final terms (the “Final Terms”) relating to a prospectus published in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market (the “Prospectus
Regulation”) must be filed using a new version of the Final Terms submission form available here.
The Prospectus Regulation introduced a number of changes in the prospectus preparation, approval and distribution. In particular, pursuant to the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/979 of 14 March 2019, national competent authorities such as the CSSF must provide ESMA with an increased amount of machine-readable data on approved prospectuses, supplements and the related Final Terms.
User guide
For detailed guidance on the information to be included in the new submission form, the CSSF user guide may be consulted here.
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